English Connects is our digital programme for all teachers and teacher educators of English worldwide, delivered through our global TeachingEnglish platforms and regional/country and partner platforms. It provides professional development opportunities, resources, peer support and networking for a global community of English language teaching professionals and practitioners.

Through English Connects we are able to gather evidence about ELT worldwide, understand the issues teachers face, and provide a forum for UK expertise and standards. We share global perspectives and through teachers reach communities and students worldwide.

Through this programme we aim to:

  • Build your professional network, share ideas and knowhow, and stay up to date with the events, latest research and innovations in teaching. 
  • Provide teaching and learning resources to support your practice, as well as new opportunities for continious professional development (CPD) .
  • Connect and communicate with the community of practice through a range of channels including social media and newsletters.

Our Teacher Development Activities

Localised Teacher development activities

The British Council is proud to support teacher development on our digital platforms in a sustainable way. We support and have trained 50 NAETSA/British Council Master trainers to deliver localised and contextualised teacher development activities across South Africa. A list of activities for 2024/2025 can be found here Top stories | TeachingEnglish | British Council. If you are interested in hosting a teacher development activity workshop at your school, in your district, please contact Teresita Pholi at Teresita.Pholi@britishcouncil.org .

Teaching English Global website

Connect with English teachers and teacher educators worldwide and find opportunities, resources and support for your career through our global online TeachingEnglish community. Here we have hundreds of high-quality resources to help you with your continuing professional development as a teacher or teacher educator.

Teaching English Africa website

Connect with English teachers and teacher educators on the African Continent and find opportunities, resources and support for your career through our regional online TeachingEnglish community. Here we have hundreds of high-quality resources to help you with your continuing professional development as a teacher or teacher educator within the context of Africa.